W.A.S.P.Wa Wa NeeWade, AdamWadsworth MansionWagner, JackWagoneers, TheWagoner, PorterWailers, TheWainwright, Loudon, IIIWaite, JohnWaitresses, TheWaits, TomWakelin, Johnny, And the Kinshasa BandWakely, JimmyWakeman, RickWalden, Narada MichaelWaldman, WendyWalk This WayWalker Brothers, TheWalker, BillyWalker, Billy Joe, JrWalker, CharlieWalker, ClayWalker, Jerry JeffWalker, JuniorWalker, Junior, And the All StarsWalker, ReggieWall of VoodooWall, Alwyn, Band, TheWallace, George, Jr.Wallace, JerryWallace, RichardWallets, TheWallflowers, TheWallin, JohnnyWalsh, JoeWalsh, JohnnyWalsh, SheilaWalsh, SteveWalt DisneyWalt Disney Players, TheWammack, TravisWanderers, TheWang ChungWansel, DexterWarWard BrothersWard, AnitaWard, Billy, And His DominoesWard, Clifford T.Ward, HelenWard, JackyWard, JaniceWard, LisaWard, MatthewWard, RobinWariner, SteveWaring, FredWaring, Fred, And His PennsylvaniansWaring, Fred, And The PennsylvaniansWarlockWarlocks, TheWarner, VirgilWarnes, JenniferWarrantWarren GWarren, FranWarren, GaryWarren, JoeyWarren, KellyWarren, Paul, And ExplorerWarren, RustyWarren, ScottWarwick, DionneWas (Not Was)Washington, BabyWashington, DinahWashington, Grover, Jr.Watanabe, SadaoWaterboys, TheWaterfrontWaters, CrystalWaters, EthelWaters, MuddyWaters, RogerWatley, JodyWatson, B. B.Watson, DocWatson, GeneWatson, Johnny "Guitar"Watson, WayneWatts, JohnWave, TheWavestarWaxWaxing PoeticsWaybill, FeeWaylon And WillieWayne, BobbyWayne, JeffWayne, ThomasWayward Bus, TheWe FiveWeather Girls, TheWeather ReportWeatherly, JimWeaver And BeasleyWeaver, DennisWeavers, TheWebb, JimmyWebb, SusanWebb, T.S. HenryWebber, MerrilyWeber, FrankWebster, ChaseWednesdayWeekendWeenWeezerWeigand, JackWeinberg, ElyseWeir, BobWeird WilburWeisberg, TimWeisberg, Tim, Band, TheWeiss, LarryWeissberg, Eric, And Steve MandellWelch, BobWelch, GillianWelch, KevinWelch, LennyWelcome, RuthWelk, LawrenceWelk, Lawrence, And His Champagne MusicWelk, Lawrence, And His OrchestraWelk, Lawrence, And His Sparkling StringsWeller, FreddyWells, BettyWells, CoryWells, JeanWells, KittyWells, MaryWelte, MadonnaWelton, DannyWendroff, MichaelWendy And LisaWerner, DavidWerner, Olav, And Galleberg SangkorWest Allis Central HighWest Indian GirlWest Junior High SchoolWest Point Cadet Glee ClubWest Side StoryWest, DottieWest, Leslie, Band, TheWest, MaeWest, ShellyWest, ValWesterman, FloydWestern Jamboree CowboysWestern Union BandWestern, BillyWestern, JohnnyWestminster Cathedral ChoirWeston, KimWeston, Paul, And His OrchestraWestworldWet Wet WetWet WillieWettling, George, 's Jazz BandWhaling, RudieWhalum, KirkWham!Wham! U.K.What IfWhat is ThisWheeler, CaronWheeler, OnieWhelchel, LisaWhen in RomeWhiskey ManWhispers, TheWhitaker, JohnnyWhite HeartWhite LieWhite LionWhite PlainsWhite Stripes, TheWhite TigerWhite WidowWhite WolfWhite ZombieWhite, AlanWhite, AnthonyWhite, BarryWhite, BukkaWhite, JackWhite, KarynWhite, LennyWhite, MauriceWhite, MichaelWhite, SlappyWhite, Tony JoeWhiteman, Paul, And His OrchestraWhites, TheWhitesidewalls, TheWhitesnakeWhitford, Sue And PhilWhiting, MargaretWhitley, ChrisWhitley, KeithWhitman, SlimWhittaker, RogerWhizz!!Who, TheWhodiniWhy On EarthWide Boy AwakeWidowWiedlin, JaneWier, RustyWiffen, DavidWiggins, John And AudreyWilber, MerlinWilburn Brothers, TheWilcox, DavidWildWild BlueWild CherryWild ChoirWild Flowers, TheWild OrchidWild Pair, TheWild RoseWild Tones, TheWild, JackWilde Boys, TheWilde, DannyWilde, EugeneWilde, KimWilde, MartyWilder, MatthewWildfireWildlifeWildweeds, TheWilfahrt, "Whoopee" JohnWilfahrt, "Whoopee" John, And His OrchestraWilk, Scott, And the WalWilke, Norm, 's Little FishermenWilkin, John BuckWilkins, David, LittleWilkins, JackWill Bronson Chorus, TheWill to PowerWillard, KellyWillard, Wesley, And The 709'sWilliam Penn College Jazz Band, TheWilliams Brothers, TheWilliams, AndyWilliams, BillyWilliams, DannyWilliams, DenieceWilliams, DocWilliams, DonWilliams, DouglasWilliams, EstherWilliams, Fred D.Williams, HankWilliams, Hank, Jr.Williams, James "D-Train"Williams, JerryWilliams, JohnWilliams, JohnnyWilliams, KingWilliams, LennyWilliams, LeonaWilliams, MasonWilliams, MauriceWilliams, MaynardWilliams, Otis, And His CharmsWilliams, PatWilliams, PaulWilliams, RobinWilliams, RogerWilliams, TexWilliams, VanessaWilliams, Wendy O., Ultrafly And The Hometown GirlsWilliamson, CrisWilling, FoyWillis "The Guard" And VigorishWillis, BruceWillis, ChuckWillis, KellyWills, BobWills, Bob, And His Texas PlayboysWills, ViolaWilser, EddieWilson PhillipsWilson, AlWilson, AnnWilson, BrianWilson, BuzzWilson, FlipWilson, Gerald, Big Band, TheWilson, J. FrankWilson, J. Frank, And the CavaliersWilson, JackieWilson, KenWilson, Larry JonWilson, MaryWilson, MeriWilson, NancyWilson, PeanutsWilson, PreciousWilson, ReneeWilson, RubyWilson, ShaniceWilson, TeddyWilson, TonyWilton Place Street BandWin, KimballWinans, DanielWinchell, PaulWinchester Cathedral ChoirWinchester, JesseWinding, KaiWinding, Kai, And OrchestraWindjammerWindy CityWing And A Prayer Drum CorpsWing And A Prayer Fife And Drum Corps.WingerWingfield, PeteWingsWinkly And NutlyWinslow, StephanieWinston, GeorgeWinstons, TheWinter, EdgarWinter, Edgar, GroupWinter, Edgar, White TrashWinter, JohnnyWinter, PaulWinter, Paul, ConsortWinter, RubyWinterhalter, HugoWinterhalter, Hugo, And His OrchestraWinterhalter, Hugo, And His Orchestra And ChorusWinterhalter, Hugo, OrchestraWinterhalter, Hugo, Orchestra And ChorusWinters Brothers Band, TheWinters, JonathanWinwood, SteveWire TrainWise, ChubbyWiseman, MacWishbone AshWishful ThinkingWitch QueenWitches And the WarlockWithers, BillWitherspoon, JimmyWithout WarningWitkowski, BernardWitnessWitt, Toni, And His OrchestraWizenhiemers, TheWolf, PeterWolfe, CarlWolfer, BillWolowic, StanWomack And WomackWomack, BobbyWombles, TheWomenfolk, TheWonder Band, TheWonder Who, TheWonder, StevieWonders, TheWooWood, BillWood, BrentonWood, ChrisWood, DelWood, MartyWood, RonWood, RoyWoodbury, WoodyWoodentops, TheWoods, BuddyWoods, RalphWoods, StevieWoods, TheWoolery, ChuckWooley, AmyWooley, ShebWoolley, Bruce, And The Camera ClubWoollfe Gang, TheWopat, TomWorld PartyWorld, TheWorth, MarionWorth, StanWozWrabitWray, Link, And His Ray MenWray, Link, And the WraymenWrays, TheWreckx -N- EffectWrest, TheWright, BernardWright, BettyWright, Charles, And the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm BandWright, ChelyWright, CurtisWright, GaryWright, GeorgeWright, GregWright, JohnnyWright, MichelleWright, SyreetaWu-Tang ClanWyle, SteveWylie, PeteWynette, TammyWynn, SteveWynns, SandyWynter, Mark