Vadnal, Johnny, And His OrchestraVai, SteveVainVale, JerryValens, RitchieValenti, JohnValentin, DaveValentine BrothersValentine, CindyValino, Joe, And the GosValjeanVallee, RudyValley Forge Military Academy BandValli, FrankieValli, JuneVan Acker, LucVan Der Linden, RickVan Doren, MamieVan Dyke, DickVan Dyke, LeroyVan HalenVan Hoy, RafeVan Tieghem, DavidVan Zandt, TownesVan ZantVan Zant, Johnny, BandVan, Harvie JuneVance, Vince, And the ValiantsVandenbergVandross, LutherVangelisVanguards, TheVanilla FudgeVanilla IceVanilla MixVanityVanity 6Vanity FareVann, TeddyVannelli, GinoVanWarmer, RandyVapors, TheVariousVassy, KinVaughan BrothersVaughan, SarahVaughan, Stevie Ray, And Double TroubleVaughn, BillyVaughn, Billy, And His OrchestraVectorVee, BobbyVee, Bobby, And the ShadowsVega, AlanVega, SuzanneVela, RosieVelaires, TheVelore And Double-OVels, TheVelvet Underground, TheVelvet, JamesVelveteenVenchura, MariaVenetians, TheVentura, CharlieVentures, TheVera, BillyVera, Billy, And the BeatersVerdaquer, EsbartVerdery, BenjaminVerlaine, TomVerne, LarryVernon, KennyVertical HorizonVerve Pipe, TheVetter, Sy, 's German BandVibra CorporationVibrations, TheVictims, TheVidels, TheVideo, MonteViennaVienna Boys Choir, TheVienna Philharmonic OrchestraVienna State Opera, Members of the Chorus And Orchestra Of TheVienna State Opera, TheVienna SymphonyVierra, ChristinaView From The HillVigard, KristenVilla, JoeyVillage PeopleVillage Stompers, TheVincelli, JosephVincent St. Martin And GlVincent, GeneVincent, Vinnie, InvasionVinegar JoeVino, AlVinton, BobbyViolent FemmesVirtues, TheVisageViscounts, TheVitamin ZVitro, RoseannaVixenV'la L'bon VentVocal Majority, TheVogl, NancyVogues, TheVoice of the BeehiveVoïvodVollenweider, AndreasVolman, MarkVoltage BrothersVolz, Greg X.Von, Vicki RaeVonnair SistersVoudouris, RogerVoxpoppers, TheVoyageVoyager (15)VoyeurVyber