Habat, Eddie, And His OrchestraHackett, Bobby, And His Jazz BandHackett, BuddyHackett, SteveHadaway, Henry, Orchestra And ChorusHafe, ErnestHagar, SammyHagar, Schon, Aaronson, ShrieveHagen, NinaHagen, Nina, BandHagers, TheHaggard, MerleHaggard, Merle, And the StrangersHague, MyrnaHahn, JoyceHaimHaircut 100Haircuts, TheHairman, RobitHaley, BillHaley, Bill, And His CometsHall, CarolHall, ConnieHall, DarylHall, Daryl, And John OatesHall, DoraHall, DorothyHall, EramusHall, JenniferHall, JimHall, JimmyHall, JohnHall, John JosephHall, John, BandHall, LaniHall, LarryHall, Tom T.Halle Orchestra, TheHallmark, RogerHallquist, BillyHalpern, StevenHamilton, ChicoHamilton, Chico, And The PlayersHamilton, DirkHamilton, GeorgeHamilton, George, IVHamilton, GregHamilton, HershelHamilton, Joe Frank And DennisonHamilton, Joe Frank And ReynoldsHamilton, RoyHamilton, RussHamlisch, MarvinHammerHammer, JanHammer, Jan, GroupHammer, Lowry, And the CryersHammond, AlbertHammond, JohnHammond, John PaulHampton, LionelHampton, Lionel, And His OrchestraHancock, HerbieHaness, GayleHanna, LloydHanoi RocksHanrahan, KipHansonHansson, BoHappenings, TheHappy ChipmunksHappy MondaysHappy Moog, TheHappy OrganHappy The ManHappy Time ChorusHappy Time Chorus And OrchestraHappy Times, TheHarbor, Pearl, And the ExplosionsHarbour, PearlHard Times, TheHardcastle, PaulHardchoirHarden Trio, TheHardin, Louis T.Hardin, TimHarding, CarolynHardly-Worthit PlayersHardy, FrancoiseHardy, HagoodHarlequinHarnell, JoeHarnen, JimmyHarper, Ben, And The Innocent CriminalsHarper, ToniHarpers BizarreHarrell, TomHarrell, VernonHarris, EddieHarris, EmmylouHarris, GeneeHarris, JackHarris, Joey, And the SpeedstersHarris, Johnny, And His OrchestraHarris, MajorHarris, MikeHarris, PhilHarris, Phil, And the BeHarris, RichardHarris, RolfHarris, SamHarris, ThurstonHarris, WayneHarrison And TylerHarrison, Don, BandHarrison, GeorgeHarrison, JerryHarrison, Jerry: Casual GodsHarrison, NoelHarrison, RalphHarrison, WesHarrison, WilbertHarry Babbitt With TheHarry, DebbieHart And SoulHart, CoreyHart, FreddieHart, Freddie, And the HHart, Freddie, And The HeartbeatsHart, J.D.Hart, LarryHart, RodHartford, JohnHartley, Keef, BandHartman, DanHartman, LisaHarvey, AlexHarvey, AlexanderHarvey, PaulHarvey, PJHarvey, Ron, And His OrchestraHarvey, SteveHashimHaskell, JeffHaskell, JimmieHasselhoff, DavidHassell, JonHatcher, George, BandHathaway, DonnyHavens, RichieHawes, HamptonHawk NelsonHawkes, ChesneyHawkins, ColemanHawkins, Coleman, And His OrchestraHawkins, DaleHawkins, DebiHawkins, HawkshawHawkins, KittyHawkins, RonnieHawkins, Screamin' JayHawkins, Sophie B.Hawkins, WalterHawksHay, Colin JamesHay, Colin, BandHayes, AlvinHayes, IsaacHayes, Isaac, MovementHayes, RichardHayman, RichardHaymes, BobHaynes, RoyHayseed DixieHaysi FantayzeeHayward, JustinHayward, Justin, And John LodgeHaywood, LeonHazard, RobertHazel, EddieHazlewood, LeeHead EastHead, MurrayHead, Roy, And The TraitHeadpinsHealey, Jeff, BandHeaps, PorterHear'n AidHearn, ChickHeartHeart Throbs, TheHeartbeats, TheHeartlandHeartsfieldHeartwoodHeatHeath, TedHeatherton, JoeyHeatherton, RayHeatwaveHeavenHeaven (13)Heaven 17Heaven And EarthHeavy D. And the BoyzHeavy Pettin'Heavy Traffic Starring "V"Hebb, BobbyHedeman, PhyllisHedges, MichaelHédiguer, MaxHefti, NealHefti, Neal, And His OrchestraHeier, Gene, And His OrchestraHeight, DonaldHeight, RonnieHeineman, Bob, And the SHeintjeHeir: PollutionHejma, OndrejHelixHellcatsHellfieldHelloweenHelm, LevonHelmetHelmet BoyHelms, BobbyHelstarHempton, GordonHenderson, FlorenceHenderson, JoeHenderson, KyleHenderson, Luther, And His OrchestraHenderson, MichaelHenderson, SkitchHenderson, WayneHendrix, JimiHendrix, Jimi, ExperienceHendryx, NonaHenhouse Five Plus TooHenley, DonHenry, BertHenry, Clarence "Frogman"Henry, JoeHenry, Ray, And His OrchestraHensel, CarolHenske, Judy, And Jerry YesterHensley, KenHenson, JimHericane AliceHermaleeHerman, KeithHerman, Woody, And His OrchestraHerman, Woody, And His WoodchoppersHerman, Woody, And the Las Vegas HerdHerman, Woody, BandHerman, Woody, HerdHerman's HermitsHernandez, PatrickHerndon, TyHeroHerren, BobbyHerrman, BernardHersch, JamesHersey, Baird, And Year Of The EarHersh, KristinHesitations, TheHester, BennyHewerdine, Boo, And Darden SmithHewett, HowardHey You And The MemoriesHeyettes, TheHeyward, NickHeywood, EddieHeywood, Eddie, His Piano And OrchestraHiatt, JohnHibbler, AlHickey, ErselHicks, Dan, And His Hot LicksHideawaysHi-FiveHiggins, BertieHigh EnergyHigh InergyHigh VoltageHighway 101Highway ChileHighwaymen, TheHighwoods StringbandHildegardeHill, BennyHill, BillyHill, DanHill, FaithHill, GoldieHill, HankHill, JessieHill, JordanHill, Tiny, And His OrchestraHill, Z.Z.Hillman, ChrisHillside SingersHilltoppers, TheHi-Lo's, TheHimmelman, PeterHindu Love GodsHine, RupertHines, Earl "Fatha"Hines, GregoryHines, MarciaHinson, JimbeauHinterlandHinton, EddieHinton, JoeHipswayHirokoHiroshimaHirt, AlHirt, Al, And His OrchestraHitch, MichaelHitchcock, Robyn, And the EgyptiansHitchcock, RussellHives, TheHo, DanielHo, DonHo, Don, And the AliisHobbs, BeckyHodges, EddieHodges, James And SmithHodges, JohnnyHodgson, RogerHoehn, RickHoenig, MichaelHoffman, Elinor GeneHoffman, PeterHoffman, SteveHog HeavenHogsed, RoyHoier, JohnHolcomb, FreddyHoldridge, LeeHoldsworth, AllanHoliday, BillieHoliday, ChicoHoliday, JimmyHollandHolland, AmyHolland, DaveHolland, Dave, QuartetHolland, JoolsHolland, Jools, And His MillionairesHolliday, JenniferHollies, TheHollow Men, TheHolloway, BrendaHolloway, LoleattaHolloway, SterlingHolly And the ItaliansHolly, BuddyHolly, Buddy, And the CricketsHolly, DoyleHollyridge Strings, TheHollywood ArgylesHollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra, TheHollywood PersuadersHollywood StarsHollywood Studio Orchestra, TheHolm, JohnnyHolman, EddieHolmes, ClintHolmes, LeroyHolmes, Richard "Groove"Holmes, RupertHolster, David JamesHolt '45Holy Spirit SeminaryHombres, TheHomburg State Symphony OrchestraHomer And JethroHometown Band, TheHomi And JarvisHondells, TheHoney ConeHoneycombs, TheHoneydrippers, TheHoneymoon SuiteHoneytreeHonor Among ThievesHoobastankHoodoo Gurus, TheHooker, John LeeHooters, TheHootie And the BlowfishHoovers, TheHopeHopkin, MaryHopkins, Lightnin'Hopkins, LindaHopkins, NickyHorn, PaulHorn, Paul, Quintet, TheHorne, Jimmy "Bo"Horne, LenaHorner, JamesHornsby, Bruce, And the RangeHornspipes, Airs And ReelsHorslipsHorszowski, MieczyslawHorton, JohnnyHorton, Steven WayneHosannaHotHot ButterHot ChocolateHot CottonHot IceHot TunaHotelHotel HungerHothouse FlowersHotlegsHot-ToddysHoundsHour Glass, TheHouse of LordsHouse of PainHouse, DixonHouse, Dixon, BandHouse, JamesHousemartins, TheHouserockers, TheHoustonHouston SymphonyHouston, CissyHouston, DaleHouston, DavidHouston, Joe, And His RocketsHouston, ThelmaHouston, WhitneyHoward, BillHoward, EddyHoward, Eddy, And His OrchestraHoward, GeneHoward, GeorgeHoward, James NewtonHoward, JanHoward, MiltonHoward, RandyHoward, Vince, And the VHowe, SteveHP LovecraftHubbard, FreddieHubert KahHudson And LandryHudson BrothersHudson, AlHudson, Al, And The PartnersHudson, Al, And The Soul PartnersHue And CryHues Corporation, TheHuey, ClaudeHugh, GraysonHughes, BillHugo And LuigiHugo And Luigi ChorusHula-Poppers, TheHullaballoo Singers And Orchestra, TheHullaballoos, TheHumair, DanielHuman Beinz, TheHuman LeagueHuman League, TheHuman NatureHuman Sexual ResponseHumble PieHumes, HelenHummingbirdHumpe HumpeHumperdinck, EngelbertHumphrey, BobbiHumphrey, Paul, And His Cool Aid ChemistsHumphries, ElizabethHunley, ConHunt, GeraldineHunt, Pee Wee, And His Dixieland BandHunt, Pee Wee, And His OrchestraHunter, EarlHunter, IanHunter, Ivory JoeHunter, JohnHunter, TabHunters And CollectorsHurricaneHurtHurt'Em BadHusker DuHusky, FerlinHusky, Ferlin, And His Hush PuppiesHustlerHutch, WillieHutcherson, BobbyHutson, LeroyHutton, DannyHutton, JuneHuxley, ParthenonHwong, LuciaHyde, Paul, And the PayolasHydra (13)Hyland, BrianHyman, DickHyman, Phyllis